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PM Modi from talking business to talking about rape: This is how Country Changed.

In 2015 when PM Modi had his first visit in the UK since he was banned for Gujrat riots, he attracted 60,000 people in Wembley Stadium where he met ex- UK Prime Minister David Cameron. He talked about the British Indian diaspora visa problems, the decrease in the number of Indian students, business trade, work permits, diplomacy and how he has taken care and is taking care of the responsibility of the largest democratic country in the world. Modi received an overwhelming welcome in the English country with lots of British Indian chanting the famous “Modi Modi” Slogan. 
Let’s look at few things which changed in these 30 months when Indian Prime Minister again visited the United Kingdom. Those ‘Modi Modi’ chants changed to Silent protest through banners for the increasing number of sexual abuse in India and demanding justice for Aasifa in Kathua rape case. From Modi talking about diplomacy and visa issues in 2015 to talking about Rape case politicizing in recent submit in London something has changed.
Just imagine those British and British Indian people hearing about the rape case from a prime minister in a foreign land, how much it would have affected the image of India. This is not the image we India want to create in other countries. There were several foreign media who would have covered the summit and made a headline on PM of India talking about the rape of a minor Child in “Bharat ki Baat Sabke Sath” program held at Westminster’s Central Hall in London. Just imagine about all those people who know less about India, who were excited to see the dynamic Prime Minister in UK would have heard or read about the rape. Imagine the image which People who were new to knowing India would have created.
However, Prime Minister of both the countries Theresa May and Narendra Modi did talk about the work-permits, visa related issues, movement of Indian professionals in UK, Indian Students in England, diplomacy, trade, and politics but the highlight was Modi taking on opposite party for not making rape of a minor a political issue.

If this is how we want to show our country to the world I am not taking a part in it. I would rather identify myself a visitor than a resident of the country. This is really shameful for all the people who call themselves a proud Indian. This can only change if we initiate it. I have written a whole article in the previous blog on how we could change things.


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