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Chapter-4, A story of “HE” and “SHE” and the last time they met.

 …getting late for the next class. (continued from chapter 3) 

For next few days, there was no communication between “HE” and “SHE”. She got busy with her own study and honestly she didn’t even have interest in talking with him. She was a good person and she had no problem with communicating with anyone if someone tries to talk to her that’s why she had all those conversations with him. “HE” had become more vulnerable by then, he had never experienced whatever was going on with him. HE wasn’t understanding what is happening to him. Whenever he was alone after the college he started getting flashbacks of his time with her.

Every morning he started waking up with a new dream with him being the Jack and her being the Rose from Titanic. He was so in love with her but he didn’t make it his weakness instead he made it his strength. He was not affecting his daily schedule or priorities due to it like other people do. In his words, he was happy with one-sided love and said he doesn’t even need her to love her. She has already established her place in his heart. There was no replacement for her and he didn’t even need one.
 He continued his daily routine like always, going to college, doing projects for college and playing cricket in evenings. Her non-presence didn’t affect the strong love he had for her. Sometimes he used to talk with her on social media as a classmate.  There was always a digital presence of her which kept her love going stronger in him. He didn’t want to look desperate or in love in front of her so he always figured out a valid point to start a conversation with her. Mostly it was about the certificate they were due to receive from college.
After a month he tried to meet her again by making the receiving of the certificate a reason. He asked her if she had got her certificate or not, then tried to call her to get the certificate from the professor. She was not much open to the professor, she respected the professor to such extent that she feared to ask for a certificate from the professor. She feared because she knew she hadn’t done well to get good marks.
After few days the guy received a call from the professor to come to the college and receive the certificate. The WhatsApp group which has almost died suddenly saw a spark when the course batch mates started chatting about receiving the certificate. “HE” was a compliant boy who was not going to go against his professor’s word. He wanted to keep certificate a reason to meet her but the professor called him so he unwillingly said yes in the WhatsApp group to receive the certificate.
Next day when he reached college only one more girl from the class had arrived by then to receive it. 

They both waited for few minutes as the professor was in between the class the time they reached college. After the class professor sent him and the other girl to the staff locker room and gave her key to bring all the certificates. After bringing all the certificates, the professor gave both their respective certificates. While giving him the certificate the professor said congratulations topper. “HE” didn’t believe that the guy who has never topped in his entire life has topped in DU. It was one of the greatest achievement of his life. He got overwhelmed when the other girl congratulated him.

This top position was the result of hard work he did in last 30 days for the research. He invested a lot of time and money as well. In this project “HE” was helped by his best-friend who always backed for him, no matter the situation. Other people hadn’t given more than 2 days for the research but “HE” devoted his month to deserve the top position. On the day of presentation, his PowerPoint presentation wasn’t ready but he came early in the college and with the help of his friend’s friend he made it in time. His presentation didn’t go that well but his documentation and hardcopy of research was good enough to earn him the topper tag.

Presentation day, the group of “SHE” came late as they were preparing their work. In those days when he was busy in dreaming about her “SHE” had made into the elite girl group. During the presentation the situation was something like, the person who will complete their presentation will leave the class. The group of “SHE” was already late and came in between the presentation so “HE” never got his chance to say hi to her. After the 4 guys were done with their presentation the Sardaar guy took all of the guys to his place as this could have been the last day they were together. “HE” wanted to stay until “SHE” gets done with her presentation but the Sardaar guy was way too influential. That was the last time when these two saw each other, after that they have only seen each other on Instagram or Facebook.   

In chapter 5, the curtain will rise on the fate of “HE” and “SHE”. What happened after they didn’t meet ever? 


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