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Chapter- 3, A Story of HE and SHE and how their bond got stronger

…they were just classmates. (continued from Chapter 2)
“HE” was sad as well as happy coming back home from college where he had said bye to the love of his life. He was happy that for the first time they spent their time together and sad because he may never see her again. It was a mixed and confusing feeling. He was satisfied with the amount of love as a classmate she gave her. She was only being nice and talking to a classmate like any other girl would have done, he decoded it as love.
The course they were pursuing together didn’t have any written exams. The marks were to be given on the final presentation on the given research and the number of activities students took part in. Activities included the number of events and seminar attended and the blogs written on the official blog domain of the course they were pursuing. The professor on last day of class had directed all the students to come over and submit their activity sheet to the college within next week.
“HE” knew that “SHE” was a regular student of that college so she could have submitted her activity sheet any day.  But anyway “HE” had to submit his activity sheet so he again used his mind which was in control of her love, to ask her if they can submit the activity sheet together including other colleagues too. He didn’t want to make that thing shady and uncomfortable so he asked her to call every girl and he himself committed to calling all the guys of the class to come together for the submission of the activity sheet.
The guy was very thankful to WhatsApp developers as it allowed him to talk to her easily not making a big deal out of it. He used to get happy whenever they chatted on WhatsApp. Not to make conversation awkward he always started the conversation with some college thing or anything related to course. They agreed to meet at 11 as there was a break in between her regular classes, so it was the right time to meet and submit the activity sheet to the college. She asked for the pic of activity sheet to see what he had written on his sheet. He was more than happy to send the pic, then they said goodbye to each other and slept. “HE” didn’t want to make a bad impression next morning so he put 2,3 alarms for next day even though he had a lot of time in the morning. He had read somewhere that being punctual leaves a good impression.
‘SHE’ would have slept that night after their conversation as it was almost midnight but he wasn’t able to sleep until 3 am because of the excitement. Why shouldn’t he be, He was lost in the paradise of her love.  Even after sleeping he was there with her in dreams but little close this time. They were holding hands and there was a big pink heart in the background where they were doing all the talking. The ambiance had added angle of romance with romantic music of violin and piano in the background.
Next morning when he woke up, the dream had already increased the amount of love he had for her. He tried to look as good as he could but neither he had good fashion sense nor enough apparels. He thought, he looked good but he didn’t. He was on time still he was doing things quickly to make sure that he reaches at college before 11. When he was 100 meters away from the college gate and it was 10:55, he was walking equally to speed a bicycle. Suddenly his phone rang, he put out his phone and checked he didn’t believe what he saw. Her name was appearing on the mobile screen, he was speechless and thoughtless at that time when he saw her calling. He took a long breath and answered the phone like nothing happened to him and tried to sound as decent as he could ever have. She asked her where was he, by then he had almost reached the college gate, she asked her to come at the common hall. He reached there in no time and shook hands with her. Before meeting when they were talking on the phone to give directions to each other, the girl waved her hand and the guy after seeing her fell for her all over again.
He tried not to look desperate, just a casual friend and they started discussing on other people arrival. It was found that few were not coming and people who were coming were late so they decided to sit on stairs at the entry of college till their classmates arrive. “SHE” was doing most of the talking as the guy was only watching nodding and falling in love with her again and again. They discussed the drawbacks and the benefits of the course, mostly the drawbacks. “HE” was only nodding and answering in yes or no.
Those 10 minutes on stairs are still the best moment of his life. Those 10 minutes are so precious for him that he decorated that memory and kept it for forever. This was the first time he was experiencing this amount of strong love in his life. All the romantic songs started feeling his own, he started noticing beauty in everything. He was so happy at the time but he didn’t know at that time that, this was not going to last longer. He was never in a relationship so didn’t knew anything about it, how to approach a girl, how to impress a girl how to make her own.
Soon other people of the group came and they started murmuring. She asked him to show his sheet and said, “you guys will get good marks, you have a lot of things to write but I don’t”. The “SHE” asked in sarcasm to 2,3 people including him to erase few things from the activity list. Everybody denied including him, he later erased without telling anyone and submitted it. “HE” didn’t want her activity list to look least productive. After few minutes everyone submitted their file and went to their respective places. “HE” didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to “SHE” as she was getting late for the next class.

In chapter 4 we will look at how without meeting her, his love kept growing..


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