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Chapter-1, A Story of He & She and how they met.

If I will ask ‘HE’ how to start the story he would want me to start with introducing ‘She’ first so here it is. She is a 1st year student at Delhi University who is tall, fair and thin with curly hairs and good fashion sense. She is intelligent with good vocabulary and good communication skill and doesn’t have a good sense of humor that’s why doesn’t understand massy jokes.  She is more of a typical DU student minus Delhi girl’s attitude. She is from a posh colony in Faridabad from an upper-middle-class family which is liberal and updated giving her the freedom any girl wants.
‘HE’ is from a small city in Bihar who has just overcome with the Bihari accent and has a special liking for speaking and sports. His dad is a Middle-classed Para-Military Soldier so ‘HE’ is disciplined and has a good heart who respects women. Even though he is from a small city, he has a good sense of understanding things in a mature way and is very professional. His dressing style and looks are ordinary but have a helping nature in him. He always wanted to be a TV anchor or presenter because he likes anchoring so he got himself into mass communication after completing his higher secondary from his hometown in Bihar and is currently staying in a PG in Delhi for more than 18 months.
The “He” never had any girlfriend and about ‘SHE’, it is still unknown. In the college where HE studies, a professor from the She’s college is a guest faculty. One day the professor tells about a course that DU college offers, which interests the guy who after contacting professor gets admission in the professional course. This guy has neither seen the DU culture nor is aware of it. He doesn’t know how to talk properly to a DU student. He does have good communication skills and is very formal in the way he talks but not aware of the elegance of DU student.
There are around 14 girls and 4 guys because the certificate course is very professional only few people have interest in it. The guy feels little odd as for the first time in his entire small life, he has never seen more girls than boys in a class. Classes of this course are on alternate days including Saturday making it 4 days a week. The class has one or two lectures of 2 hours which will complete its run in 4 months and the guy has to maintain his regular college too with it. The distance between his regular college and the DU college is 12 minutes of walking.  First 3,4 weeks he just takes his class and then returns back to his regular college, in between only talking to guys of the class else than the faculties.  
One day the professor organized an activity where all the students were divided into groups and they had to prepare a news package relating the news to politics and sports. Being from a mass communication background and the guy’s skill the group decides to make “He” the anchor and others reporter. He was in between anchoring and suddenly a girl enters the class. He kept on anchoring watching the girl entering the class. The moment he sees her falls in love with her which he realizes later. “She” is mostly late in class but, such was her sweetness that the guy kept looking at her until she reaches her seat to see the ongoing performance of the group.
‘He’ never got the chance of knowing any girl till now but at evening when he reached his home, he decides to get to know them. Next morning when he wakes up realizes that it was another morning rather than the class where he was anchoring. This happened because he dreamt about the class where he was anchoring and the girl enters the class. He was surprised and happy to see the girl who came in his dream, he wanted to tell this to the world.  
This is the first chapter of the story. The second chapter will focus on how the guy falls in the unusual and unauthentic love with the girl and what happens next.


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