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Chapter 2, We played Cricket on mountains

In chapter 1, I opened about how I got into this mass communication. In this chapter I will tell you about the experiences of field. When I was done with graduation, I was looking for a job. Even though I wanted it to be related to journalism but I didn’t get one. There were people back from hometown telling me to find one and utilise my time.  My brother had a friend, who got me hooked with my first job as a content writer which didn’t last more than 20 days. Neither I enjoyed working there nor they paid enough for me to stay.
Once, when I was working there I got a call from someone whom I knew from my previous internship asking me to work for a  web portal in Himachal Pradesh. I was more than happy to take that offer into consideration and after talking to my parents I finally decided to take that. That’s how I reached Himachal Pradesh probably one of the beautiful places I have ever been and found myself a dream job.
It was really awesome roaming between mountains in late September with friends talking to the locals about the upcoming election. There were few houses where our vehicle couldn’t reach because there were no roads. We had to climb mountains to reach them to have them say on the problems they were facing and how the government was doing ?
Some days, after work we went for bathing in mountains witnessing one of the coldest natural water. Rocks were established by the water force in such a way that we had the luxury of doing cannonball and back flips which I never perfected in 4 months. We were about 10 people and one day, we had this competition where we had to keep our nose in water for as long as we can. And if I am not mistaken I won twice.  
We played country’s favourite sport in mountains near the coast of the lake. It was difficult to find the right place because there were lot many bushes and plants everywhere. Somehow we managed to find a place with less bushes and nailed the game. Whenever the ball was hit higher in the sky, incredible mountain birds use to cheer us with their air dance after seeing our gaming emotions
Population density there was way too lower than Delhi. Local people specially from villages were so overwhelmed seeing us that, they often use to offer us for staying the night. Like my friend Prem say, they thought that god has come to visit us. The only reason was, they had lot many problems and we reached their homes as journalists. We asked them to have their say on the availability of basic needs which made them comfortable to open up.  People had lot many good things and bad things to say about their present and previous MLAs.  
I will continue chapter 3 and will post in day after tomorrow.


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