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Chapter 1 Transition of a raw mind.

When I was in school, I always wanted to be the one hosting the functions of school. I still remember encouraging my juniors for their perfomance on Independence day, Republic day and Annual functions through my witty, uplifting and immense audience indulged anchoring. Those rehersal days were so good that I used to practice my thing even after the official school hour. On 15th August when I was in 9th,  after  the independence day program which I hosted, a friend came to me and suggested me to pursue mass communication because he thought I was good at it. At that time I didn’t even know, what is mass comm?
When I got lot of complements from the colleagues and neighbours who came at school to see me peforming, I decided, I am going with mass communication. When I was done with my board exams, I had 2 to 3 months to decide and analyse things. I wanted to take commerce or arts as subject for 11th and 12th but things didn’t go according to plan because of the family tree as everyone close to me was science educated.  I had to take science but that didn’t stop me thinking about mass communicaton. That was the time when Ayushman Khurana was video jockeying and was famous on TV. I used to observe him a lot. I didn’t do that well when my 12th results were out. Everyone was dissapointed, still I convinced my parents going to Delhi and studying mass communication. I have to say this, even though my parents are village-based but still, they were with my urban decision every time and have always supported me.
In no time I found a college suiting my Numbers on Mark-sheet. I came to delhi and got the admission. Things were going exactly the way I had planned, I was doing good in academics in my college. During my 3 years course my aim somehow changed. When I started the college, I was more into anchoring because of the glamour but the day I was done with my graduation it changed to be more of a real journalist who writes nice things than a guy who reads from the teleprompter. I met few faculties in college who completely changed the way I looked at the world.
From being a specific political-wing follower to becoming a neutral person I have to credit our young guest faculty Raj Agnihotri sir, who was responsible to change the way we saw world. He was very simple, always clean-shaved, formally dressed and only 4 or 5 years older than our average class age. We (a group of my class) were a bunch of young enthusiast who tried to be different by making a Youtube Channel and creating some stuffs only to learn how the things work. In the process we made a movie which somehow became a small hit On YouTube.
After completing my graduation I joined a firm where I worked as a reporter cum PR executive. Me, Ajay and Prem who joined the firm which was working for the Himachal Pradesh Legislative assembly elections. We had time of our life working in the mountains. There were 10 people working for the News Based Web portal including me Prem and Ajay. Prem who probably thinks, has all the burdens of the world on his shoulders and Ajay who is the wittiest person, i ever met on this planet. Few of us thought that our work was almost a paid Holiday, as we had the Luxury of a nice Hotel with quality food and nice campus to walk in the hotel we were staying.

I will leave it for tomorrow before it starts boring you. I will continue the chapter 2 later.


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