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Formal chat with Professor and media person Mr. Quisair Alam

Formal chat with Professor and Media person  Mr.Quisair Alam. This is what he has to say on role of media in India.

Q.) It is been said that media had a vital role in BJP's 2014 Lok Sabha election victory and  2015 loss in Vidhan Sabha election of Bihar. How do you look at it ??

Ans.) Look, the first important thing is this, media plays a big role in society not only in India but also in whole world. And in today's scenario media is seen as very powerful tool.
Talking about 2014 elections really media played a big role at that time in other context and time to time as the time demands media's role has kept changing in society. You must be knowing media works in their own way but sometimes media is handled by others like political, social, corporates, economist, lobby, pressure groups. People say that in 2014 Media was influenced, or made influenced . But talking about 2015 elections of Bihar media's role was limited, They can't be said that their role in that sense is able to change electrets,consency. But if you look at those exit poll most of the media channels were showing others party win by majority but you saw that result was almost opposite. Role is there infact a big role but sometimes they are not effective. But then also to educate society, to push society in forward direction, or to pull society backwards, Media's role cannot be denied in any way.

Q.) We have seen that in present time a lot of debate is taking place on intolerance. Few days back Aamir Khan said something, before him Shahrukh Khan said on intolerance which people didn't liked. These things are playing with India's dignity on global level. How do you see media's role here?

Ans.) It is not only about media, if you see after independence when our country got freedom from British, from there to 2014 why this question wasn't raised. And this person who has done a lot for our country and is considered as sign of secularism, Who is an icon, who has a big fan following in country and abroad, What is the reason these people are feeling uncomfortable in present situation? Not only them but common people of India too.
What is happening, Why it is happening and why it hasn't  happened it's before even though government of different parties came and gone why after 2014 only. This means somewhere something wrong is happening either intentionally or unintentionally. There are many elements, ministers who are giving their statements which are effecting the country in such a way which is not good for our country. You must be knowing why India is said to be a secular country. If you see after 1947    we were not having any pressure we would have used other pattern of government.We would have used it as religious government. One who made our constitution Why He/She opted this type of government because they thought a lot on it, there were a lot of reason behind it. Now at this time when it is tried to reverse it. And those people who are not feeling  safe i.e. this topic is coming and incidents are happening. In this tough situation no action taken by government for those people who are responsible for these incidents. Not only one section but All citizens are effected by it. We need to control these elements fastly following the rules of constitution. Then the question of India's image will not come. This is happening because such kind of incidents are taking place one by one and no solution is coming from central government. And due to this we are not moving towards progress because that environment is not there.
Only visiting foreign countries and not controlling completely our own country is not gonna help , their should be proper balance in both.

Q.) And final question, In last decade Westernization and Globalization has a great effect on India. How do you relate it to media?

Ans.) Not only in India but on the global level no one is untouched by Globalization. Mobile, internet, computer, WhatsApp are all the results of it and we have become a part of it. All of the countries of world are related to it. There are two thoughts, Advantages and disadvantages. It is up to us how we can use it. We need to see advantages. In our country I.T. Industry is developing this is really pleasing, we are moving forward in satellites, privatisation, economical liberalization and talking about effect of Westernization we were not this much effected earlier which we are now Lifestyle ,Culture, these things depends on us we change it or not. We'll take good things, this is our right so we need to see this from this point of view obviously. At this situation will take country forward, Every country needs to grab good things and deny which is not good in their context of their country.


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