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Time to think about farmers.

Hey this is ankit, I am a media student. During my holidays i went to my village in vaishali district which is in bihar. While enjoying my holidays i went through some parts of village and near by places.  What i saw was really dissapointing and discouraging, farm feild were vacant,  there were no sign of any farming in most of the feilds.  I talked to many farmers , there were few reasons but the most common reason was regarding irrigation. They told me rain didn't happen enough so that they could farm and produce anything. When i asked that there are many schemes through which tubewells are provided to farmers , Haven't u got it,  eveybody said NO. After talking a bit i got to know those people who were totally dependent on farming used to produce their  wheat,  musturd, pulses etc  and earn revenue from it but this year except wheat they were not even able to produce even for their own uses.

We are in 21st century and still dependent on rain, conntries like america,  china, austria and many others are spreading pesticides through aeroplanes and seriously look us.. 

Don't u think that time has come to think about farming,  farmers who do a lot of hard work in worst conditions,   so that we could eat all the time instead of only taiking and debating abt intollerace, beef matter,  political issues.


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