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Two days of nation love.

15th august is a day when patriotism for our country gets it’s year high TRP. This is the day when all the legendary patriotic songs come to play their role to inspire us, to reignite the spirit of patriotism, to give goosebumps, to bring tears, to give nostalgia from school days of independence day celebration.
Oh! I remembered, there are actually only two days in a year when we remember the sacrifices of never dying memory of freedom fighters and martyrs. Rest of the 362 days we spend on cheating, stealing, being bad to others, polluting, being corrupt or littering. We think that two days of so-called nationalism and patriotism is good enough for the country to grow and develop.
Standing for the national anthem and saluting it on the republic and the independence day is not good enough to make us a contributor in making our country a better place.
What we need is, commitment of the whole year, actually whole life. Everyone don’t need to do charity to become a contributor in making our country great. We just need to play our roles honestly and significantly. We should try to pollute as less as we can, we need to minimize the use of plastics, start using carpools and never become a part of corruption. Neither at the giving end nor at the receiving end.
Nationalism is not limited to respecting our national flag, national anthem and soldiers. It also includes helping the needy people, stopping inequality and unjust.
Let me give me an short example to understand our contribution better. There are many corporate workers in New Delhi N.C.R. who use their own car to reach their respective offices. If you stand in the parking lot of any big corporate office, you will see many people coming in their car alone. Their logic behind using their own car is saving some time as public transport takes more time to commute. Public transport or carpool can be easily used as replacement in these situations but it is not the case to be. Waking up little early and leaving for office little early won’t make much difference in daily routine but using carpool or public transport will be a solid attempt towards making the air of struggling Delhi N.C.R. less polluted. Some people may think that it is not practical but trust me it is if we try our best. We just need to let our self-centered nature go away and think about the city, the country and the world.
The country is celebrating the independence day today and everyone has a part to play. I am playing my part by writing this article and trying to educate some people.


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